Here, we share our story, offer support for the bereaved
and reach out to friends and family seeking wisdom in helping someone who has suffered the pain of loss.
Worshiping the Lord
Charlie & Jill, along with host Julieann Hartman, discuss loss & grief and how to maneuver through it with the Lord’s grace and guidance.
Is it okay for a Christian to grieve?
Charlie and Jill, with hosts Ashley and Carlie Terradez, delve into this topic that doesn’t get much attention in our circles – how to handle grief.
A New Season
With the loss of their son Beau in 2009, Charlie and Jill discuss with host Mark Cowart how they’ve entered a new season of ministry to the bereaved.
Jesus, Healer of Broken Hearts
Whether you’ve lost a loved one through death, gone through a divorce or lost a job you enjoyed, Jesus is present with you TODAY to touch and begin to heal your broken heart.
A Bruised Reed
“A bruised reed He will not break and a smoldering lamp He will not quench,” Isaiah 42:3. God loves you! There’s no need to fear Him.
God Understands Your Pain
We have a High Priest Who understands and sympathizes with us! When we suffer, He suffers!
The Pain of Loss And How You Can Help
Recorded LIVE at Charis Bible College Orlando, Charlie teaches what’s helpful (and what’s not) when helping others through loss.
The Journey w/ Julieanne Hartman
Charlie and Jill discuss the loss of their adult son, Beau, to cancer in 2009 and how God lovingly and patiently helped them through it all.
A Time To Mourn
Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep. When others are going through a time of loss, it’s not our job to fix them.
Losing What You Love
Butch and Julieann Hartman interview Charlie & Jill. They discuss their career in worship, relationships and the loss of their son, Beau.
Be Present
God loves to comfort people and He’ll use you and me to bring it to those who are hurting! There’s true power in just being present!
One of the best ways to help someone who’s hurting from loss is to just listen! In this short teaching, Charlie tells the story of how God opened his eyes to this radical truth!
Our Journey Through Loss
Charlie & Jill’s world forever changed when their adult son, Beau, blasted off to heaven early in 2009. Here, Charlie talks about their journey and how God helped them through all of it!
What People Are Saying!
We lost our 23 year old son Tanner in a tragic work accident last May.
I started reading your book and put it down the next day when I finished, I could relate to the words on every single page.
It is comforting to hear someone else’s story that is so similar to your own, to know we will make it through the years to come. Kristi D.
This book is powerful, mostly due to the absolute, pure, unwavering love and compassion seeping through the pages that could literally be felt! A.B.
This book is a powerful tool, helping others survive after the death of one they love.
Additionally, those walking by their side will learn skills to be a more effective “help in time of need.”
What People Are Saying!
We lost our 23 year old son Tanner in a tragic work accident last May. I started reading your book and put it down the next day when I finished, I could relate to the words on every single page. It is comforting to hear someone else’s story that is so similar to your own, to know we will make it through the years to come. Kristi D.
This book is powerful, mostly due to the absolute, pure, unwavering love and compassion seeping through the pages that could literally be felt! A.B.
This book is a powerful tool, helping others survive after the death of one they love.
Additionally, those walking by their side will learn skills to be a more effective “help in time of need.”
Music To Enrich Your (Broken) Heart
Songs of Grace, Songs of Prayer, Songs of Hope.
These songs were carefully chosen to bring healing to the brokenhearted, to lift the downhearted, and to encourage hearts everywhere to come into closer fellowship with God.
Faith, Hope, Love & Trust – these will be piqued as you immerse yourself in this album.
The music alone will touch you – modern yet soulful, even Heavenly at times. Combined with lyrics inspired by scripture and written from some of the deepest chasms of the soul, it all comes together for a stirring collection of original songs to enrich your heart as you journey with God.
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