Thank you so much for attending this time together, as we all endeavor to navigate our new normal, and learn how we can come through this better, instead of bitter!
We have sought the Lord for the best way to share what we believe He has given us to impart to you today.
However, please let us know YOUR feedback – what really helped you, how the Lord spoke to your heart or touched areas where you sensed His healing, AND if there are things you would like us to be sure and include next time, and our seminars going forward!
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If you would like to send a video of your thoughts, please email us at [email protected], or text to 800-326-0741.
Joyful Word Ministries, Inc. is a 501c.3, tax-deductible, charitable organization based in the United States, for the purpose of bringing God’s Word in Song to the world, and comforting the broken hearted.