As we were heading home from a recent ministry trip, the Lord reminded us of just how important it is to Him when we spend time helping people, whether in big arenas or small situations. He impressed upon our heart that, “It’s not how many you reach but it’s how you reach them.” He was simply placing value on the “little things,” like visiting and ministering to a few being equally important as ministering to thousands.
Jesus said, I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to Me. (Matthew 25:40 NLT)
In our society we are programmed to think that only the big events are most important. We think going on a huge overseas mission trip is more valuable than helping someone hurting in our own community. We rally to give finances for a big project at church but we hesitate to help a poor person or even a family member in need. We think that going to a church service once a week can take the place of daily time sitting with Jesus, praying and studying His word. Of course all of these endeavors are good things that God wants us to do, but here’s the point:
Jesus put emphasis and value on the little things and even the secret things more than the public things. Remember in Matthew 6, when He talked about praying, giving and fasting? He emphasized the importance of doing these things in secret, and then God who sees in secret would openly reward us. Let’s not get caught up solely in doing things seen by man, impressing man. To be seen by God ONLY is beautiful & valuable!
There is a quote that I heard as a young minister, which has stuck with me for over 30 years:
Though your name be spread abroad like winged seed from shore to shore,
What you are before your God, that you are and nothing more (anonymous)
What I am before my God is much more important than what I do for Him. May we ALL learn to place more value on who we are before God than who we are before man, and let that mindset saturate our character and our actions. In Luke 10:39, Mary sat at the feet of Jesus and listened, while Martha ran around busily trying to serve. Jesus put more value on Mary’s choice. We need to place value on the things that God places value on.
So we see two important things: (1) God is more interested in our relationship with Him than what we do for Him, and (2) He is extremely pleased with our willingness and obedience to carry out the task at hand, regardless of how big or small it seems to the naked eye.
Let’s look at this aspect of doing what may appear as “small things.” We see the parable of The Good Samaritan emphasizing the importance of helping one hurting person regardless of circumstances. We see that Jesus would preach to the multitudes, but then He would go to the house of tax collectors and sinners for a meal or go to a commoner’s home to minister healing. In Acts 10, Peter, a devout Jew
who preached to thousands on the day of Pentecost, has this vision to go to a Gentile man’s house.
Although doing so went against many things that Peter believed, his obedience helped open the way for the gospel to be preached to non-Jews all around the world.
Simple obedience in what SEEMS to be small things can end up in MAJOR blessings! While Paul was in prison, he wrote heartfelt letters to his friends in churches all around the world. Never did he dream that these letters would become part of the Holy Scriptures that would help to change the world – he just wanted to help his brothers & sisters in their walk with Christ!
You just never know all that God is doing when He asks you to do something, which may seem small or insignificant. Write a letter. Visit a neighbor. Call someone. Help a stranger. Help a friend! As one preacher put it, God seems to be “hiding” in the little things. We look for the spectacular, the significant, the popular things to do, and God looks at the simple things. Don’t forget to show hospitality to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realizing it! (Hebrews 13:2)
Now, He may call you to speak to thousands or to go on a challenging mission trip or to give huge amounts of money to a worthy church project, and all that is awesome! But let’s remember that God places equal value on anything He may ask us to do. The bottom line is: Listen to Him and don’t be influenced merely with the spectacular.
Jill and I have had the privilege to sing to literally hundreds of thousands of people all around the world, but we can tell you from experience that to sit and sing a song to one hurting soul is equally as rewarding and definitely equally as valuable in God’s eyes. Doing the “small things” may not have the glitter and the public applause of men, but let me assure you that Heaven applauds one simple act in obedience to the Lord. Jesus Himself said, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over [just] one sinner who repents. (Luke 15:10)
Don’t get me wrong, we love the big evangelistic crusades where thousands get saved and healed! But don’t forget that God loves equally when you share the gospel with a neighbor or a friend at work. Let’s not devalue the opportunities that we have every day. Jesus showed us how much he loved helping children, widows, the sick, the poor, fathers, mothers, family; He also reached out to sinners, prostitutes and tax collectors. He esteemed the things we do in secret: Prayer, Bible study, worship, giving, fasting. He also extended compassion to those who mourn, the weak, the persecuted, the helpless, the down-and-outers. (You can see examples all over The Beatitudes starting in Luke 6:20!)
Always remember: What you do in the workplace with coworkers or at home with your family and neighbors is significant! James 1:27 brings it home ~ Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you. So Go For It! 🙂