We are thrilled to finally make our brand new CD available to you just in time for the brand new year! We have worked SO HARD the last several months tweaking every aspect of the song writing and production, and after days of deliberating over various titles, there was one that just seemed to stand out and say it all:

Many of the song titles begin to reveal the heart of this collection: You Never Leave Me, God Of All Comfort, So Thankful, and the title cut Your Love Remains. All of the songs on Your Love Remains carry a message of Hope, Love and Comfort that we believe will minister to you and to thousands just like you.
In the last few months we have had the opportunity to share some of them in various settings and were overwhelmed at how much the songs deeply touched those who listened. We believe they are carrying a rich anointing because they are filled with God’s Word and God’s heart.
New Songs for a New year
We are looking so forward to 2014 and the possibilities of ministry all around the world with these new songs. However one of our greatest hopes is that they would find their way into YOUR heart, and help you face this year with confidence and trust in God’s Great Love that always remains.
That’s the message we would like to encourage you with as we enter this new year: God’s Faithful Love. Like many of you, we are certainly no strangers to hardship. But one thing is for sure: God’s Love has sustained us and remained with us through it all.
Interestingly, when we study the lives of many men and women of God in the Bible, most of their lives were riddled with challenges beyond comprehension. And yet what always remained in each circumstance was God’s Love and His Word.
No matter what you face today or in the future, let yourself become so deeply rooted into His Love that when the storms come and the winds blow, you will sense God’s grace carrying you through.
God’s Great Love for YOU
As you enter this New Year of 2014, embrace God’s vast, immeasurable Love for you.
Then Christ will make His home in your hearts as you trust in Him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong. And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep His love is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God. Ephesians 3:17-19
I think the best
New Year’s resolution…
…would be to place our hope and trust in this, and this alone: God’s Love, because His love re-mains above everything!
Much love from us to you, & a Happy, Prosperous New Year,
P.S. Order Your Love Remains today!
P.P.S. All those connected with us in partnership will receive your complimentary CD by mail shortly. 🙂
It’s simple to place your order…
Simply log on to our webstore, call our office at 1-800-326-0741. It’s that simple.